- $3. Elder scrolls Skyrim. ps3 (disc only)
- $4. Elder scrolls Skyrim. Ps3 (disc & case)
- $3. Lego Harry Potter year 5-7. Ps3
- $3. Bioshock 2. Ps3
- $6. Dead Space. Ps3
- $3. Grand theft auto 4. Ps3
- $6. Lego lord of the rings. Ps3
-$3. Crysis 2. Ps3
-$8. God of war ascension. Ps3
-$3. Assassins Creed black flag. Ps3
-$2. Assassins Creed rogue.ps3 (disc only)
-$4. The last of us. Ps3
-$6. Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Ps3
-$4. Destiny. Ps3
-$6. Red Dead Redemption. Ps3
- $6. Madden NFL 17. ps3
-$2. Madden NFL 11. Ps3
-$2. Madden NFL 13. Ps3
- $2. Cabela big game hunter party. Xbox 360 (disc only)
- $4. I Spy double game pak. nintendo DS
- $6. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time books 1 & 2 comics
- $2. Blazblue art book
- $4. Sonic the hedgehog plush
- $4. Knuckles plush
- $70. tested and working PlayStation 3 fat system with all hook ups & 2 controllers .
Can meet at 845 Robert Smalls Parkway (Circle K gas station near Broad River Bridge)
Posted in:
Toys & Games.
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